Smart TV Application Development: How Big Screen Can Help You Boost Business


Television and broadcasting were on top in entertainment charts during last few decades. With the rise of Internet its popularity slightly decreased, however, it was not replaced completely. They evolved resulting in smart TV application development generation which attracts users with wide functionality and intuitive interface. People now not only watch the broadcasted programs but choose the content they like, do purchases, etc. Besides, new business branches, such as iOS/Android TV app market, specific platforms, television oriented developing, emerge. Thus, an enterprise in this highly developing field represents a nice investment right now.

In this post, openGeeksLab is going to showcase influential factors to create smart TV app. You will also read about our expertise in Android TV app development for people of faith.

Why Did Smart TV Apps Take Off?

According to researchers, the amount of time spent while watching TV daily remained relatively unaltered since 2011. Such services acquired their stability of position in modern world due to quick adaptation. Modern audience chooses new generation television with higher quality, convenience, additional functionality, etc.

Statista claims that in 2018 smart TVs constituted 70 percent of all the television units sold worldwide, so this phenomenon contributes to business enlargement. The revenue got out of the branch in 2015 constituted around 30 billion dollars and it is expected to grow to around 67 billion in 2025.

However, video streaming services make profit not only in entertainment field but gave additional benefits to other business branches. ‘Big screen’ opportunities can be implemented in various spheres of business running, e.g. advertisement broadcasting, keeping customers informed about important services, managing workers/clients (electronic queues, tasks management, etc.).

Popular Platforms

Modern smart TV market offers various platforms to run TV apps, which occupy almost equal position on global scale. The most famous representatives are:

1. Apple

Apple TV becomes beneficial when customer already has other Apple services, especially iTunes because no other platform is compatible with iTunes services. Despite Apple platform does not offer 4K quality, it provides Siri support and incorporate gesture feature. Apple TV subscription costs $149.

2. Android

This platform is one of the most popular not only in terms of mobile market but for television as well. Users love it because of low prices (it is considered cheaper than other variants with middle fare about $60) and varied program stock. Android TV box applications suggest unlimited search opportunities within Play Store, so customers can find best applications for Android TV up to their liking. Besides, Android TV code is open source, i.e., everybody who knows how to write an Android TV app can offer own application for Android TV. One more advantage is elaborated updating system, so if you by Android 9 for TV, you will get new versions without buying them separately just like with smartphones.

3. Roku

Roku Streaming Stick service suggests wide range of applications and channels. The platform provides clients with widely-known streams as well as with specific channels only for $50. The main benefit of Rocky is that customers do not need necessarily buy a new TV-set. If they are satisfied with the screen they already have, they can simply get separate media player and enjoy smart.

4. Amazon Fire

Amazon Fire platform offers not only television services proper, but also can be used as a gaming console. It supports 4K quality and offers several Alexa functions. Standard package costs $90, but there are options.

The other influential companies include Samsung Risen, LG, Panasonic, Smart Alliance, Google Chromecast, etc.

Influential Factors to Create Smart TV App

1. Technique Specificity

Smart TV application development differs from usual mobile building due to goal peculiarities. To make an efficient final product, specific skills concerning program architecture and design issues are required. These may include platform SDK knowledge, profound software architecture understanding, practical experience in HTML, CSS and Java.

2. Screen Size/Distance

The key difference between mobile and television app development lies in screen size and perception distance. While watching television, high-quality resolution is crucial for user’s positive experience. Besides, developers should care about angular resolution, dealing with individual ability to detect minor details in the picture. Thus, great emphasis is laid upon design peculiarities and objects’ commensurability.

3. Navigation

Despite ‘big screen’, question of easy-to-use navigation remains relevant. Complex structure and multiple subcategories usually confuse users wanting simple relaxation. Therefore, transparency of functional content determines device’s performance and productivity.

Commensurability issue also is connected to navigation problems. Readable text, short apt phrases, suitable icons, contrastive but not distracting background, catchy design — all these minor details should be considered while Apple/Android TV application development.

4. Remote Control

Remote control issue also influences customer’s seamless intuitive usage. Opportunity to get exactly what you want with little effort is very important, thus various platforms look for better solutions capable of replacing traditional remote control devices. For instance, Amazon Fire TV employs voice input function, while Apple TV aims at touch sensor integration.

5. Profound Testing

Proper testing procedure is important before rolling out the final product. This step is applied to optimize the program and to adjust it to end-users convenience. Developers should regard not only seamless intuitive experience but also streaming and performance issues.

Our Experience in iOS & Android TV App Development

The Story Behind

Our client came to us with the idea of technology and religion unification, which were usually seen as antagonistic phenomena. However, he firmly believed that technological achievements should help people of faith, so that was a premise to Experience Jesus, which is a video streaming app for people of faith.

Problems to Be Solved

Our team aimed at creating the application serving as a tool for believers who due to some personal reasons (age, health, location) cannot be present at important events in-person. Thus, we needed to design an easy-to-use project covering various devices (mobile & television segments), most popular platforms (iOS & Android) as well as ensuring objective implementation.

Software Solutions & Implemented Features

Our product is compatible both with mobile and television platforms (Android & iOS) with a few functionality differences, thus to get access to application on TV-set you insert your account data and enjoy favorite content on a big screen.

While developing the program we applied following functionality:

1. Simple Registration Form and Non-Logged in Mode

The app is available for non-registered users, though there are some restrictions in functionality. To get full range of possibilities a person should create account and log in to the system with only name, email and password needed.

2. On Go Streaming

Live streaming feature allows users enjoy watching favorite videos being on the way or having other occupations simultaneously.

3. Continuous Watching

This feature becomes useful when dividing long videos into several parts to watch. Users can track the stream they watched and continue session whenever they want. Besides, the data connection to profile, not to device, so substituting phone for full screen is not a problem.

4. Personalized Recommendations

The program offers potentially interesting information based on preferences and data analytics.

5. Info Packs

Our product provides not only watching videos opportunity but reading books, adding cards, bookmarks, daily prayers and other useful info to packs, so people can quickly browse and find necessary stuff within the application.

6. Learned/Unlearned Content

Users can divide the informational scope into learned or unlearned categories to structure and manage it easily.

iOS & Android TV App Development Process

It was our first experience to create smart TV app, so our team treated the project like an exciting experience. The most challenging was designing a video player from scratch, considering the differences between mobile and television versions. Video format also differed a lot. Besides, focusing, fields, button issues usually are minor in mobile developing, so we developed specific buttons (e.g. slider, pause, stop, transitions, etc.). ‘Big screen’ issues were settled due to video scalability and autofill feature to make picture precise.

To roll out the project, three experts (two developers & one project manager) were involved. It took five months to build final product (consisting of four versions) in React Native.

The application is freely downloadable and easy-to-use. It offers clear structure and functionality, so there are no age or other usage limits. At the moment it is only available in English for British and American believers, however, our customer is about to expand the audience to global scale.

Reserve Your Spot Now!

Modern television market offers a nice chance to innovative ideas and solutions, so consider the trend and start your own smart TV application development, or contact us to create smart TV app you always dreamt of together.

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This post was originally published on the openGeeksLab blog.



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