How Technology Is Shaping The Future of Medicine and Healthcare


Disclaimers: I’m no medical expert but I’m a medical technology enthusiast.

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s get straight into the main topic of this article. Helping medical technology startups or businesses turn their ideas into great patient-centric products is my job. This means that I have to stay on top every technological advance in medical apps development. Trust me when I say I’ve read almost every publication on Healthcare Technology breakthroughs in recent history.

There are few things I discovered:

A) Computer-based innovative technologies are currently disrupting the healthcare industry.(That’s not a news but I thought I should remind you)

B) The medical system we know today is being gradually replaced by a more sophisticated technology-based system that will totally eliminate physical interactions.

Who will benefit the most from this change? Well, this is another “chicken-or-egg” dilemma. Tough to say exactly.

Fundamentally, medicine is very slow in adopting new technologies because of the strict regulations in the industry. That is why technology developers have also adapted to this slow-paced adoption system of medical technologies. Thereby strategically pushing out technology sequentially so the medical community doesn’t freak out.

Here are the technologies currently cheering the tech take over of the healthcare industry

AI -Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is rooting out medical professionals at an unbelievable pace. Remember when diagnostics results took days to be confirmed by a Doctor? Well now with super-intelligent computers these can be done in a split second without human input.

VR -Virtual Reality

Both healthcare professionals and their patients testify to how virtual reality has changed their lives. The physician with the help of VR can create the perfect virtual environment for patient’s recovery. A patient can be on a sick bed in Texas while experiencing a vacation in the Miami beach.

AR — Augmented Reality

Unlike VR, in AR the user doesn’t lose touch with reality. Plus it enhances the perception of information. A typical example is the empowerment of surgeons with real-time x-ray views while performing operations. Only possible because of AR.

Health monitoring wearables

Technology has made it very easy for us to keep our health in check. From weight management to stress level monitoring and fitness wearable devices have been very handy. Some of them are connected to the internet which means physicians can have access to the patient’s health data at all times.

Medical Tricorder

It is fair to say that Dr. McCoy’s fictional tricorder in Star Trek spawned the search for a real-life version. An all in one gadget that could help a physician make an instant diagnosis will be a dream come through for all medical professionals. Though we are not there yet Viatom CheckMe is leading the charge.

Nanotechnology and Robotics

Remember when the hysteria that robots will soon take over surgical procedures? Well, I do. Although I’ve read about robot-assisted surgeries I haven’t heard of one where a robot completely did the surgery. Nowadays nanomedicine is the new robotics. soon nanosized super-micro robots will be delivering drugs to highly impenetrable body systems.

Lots of big complex technology ideas have tried in the past to make lasting imprints in medicine but failed. However, changes in medicine have always happened like a butterfly effect.

I’m a big fan of medicine and technology, so if you have a great product idea that will enhance healthcare delivery I’m the guy to help you bring it to reality. Connect with me let’s talk.

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